
The long-tailed shrew (Sorex dispar) status is undetermined in BCR 14, although it is listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in one or more states within the region. It is found in coniferous forest at higher elevations.

Habitat Needs

This species likes cold damp coniferous forest containing moss-covered rocks and logs or wooded talus slopes. It uses the crevices and dead and down woody material for cover. It is also found at lower elevations but its preferred habitat is the higher coniferous forest.

Its home range is unknown.

Habitat Management Practices

Maintain the cold coniferous condition with mossy covered rocks and logs by encouraging the coniferous type to develop into a more mature state in order to provide the requisite shade component.

Silvicultural Practices

LOW ELEVATION SPRUCE-FIR (generally below 2,500 feet)

  • Use uneven-age management. Group selection with groups ranging from 1/10 to 2 acres.
  • Use a 90-year rotation age with entries every 15 years.
  • Let 10 percent of the area of this type age to 120 years before rotating.
  • Avoid entry during nesting season—April to June.
  • Whole-tree harvest or cut-to-length is preferred.


High elevation (generally above 2,500 feet) forest types are normally situated on soils that are shallow to bedrock or poor in quality. The soil conditions, coupled with climate conditions at high elevations, result in slow vegetative reproduction and growth. Since the habitat provided by this type at these elevations contains a large proportion of SGCN species, special care must be taken when management takes place at high elevations in this type.

The management preference for optimal habitat is no management at all—allow natural processes to take place. If harvesting in this type at high elevation, contact your state wildlife agency before proceeding.

Composition and Structure Goals

  • Within the managed area at least 60 percent should remain in stands with an average DBH of 4 inches or greater and a stocking of at least 90 square feet of basal area per acre.
  • Leave 10 percent of the area unharvested. The remaining 30 percent of the area can be less than 4 inches in DBH and less than 90 square feet of basal area.
  • Distribute these cut areas across the managed area rather than concentrating them.
  • Direct management toward maintaining or increasing softwood types at high elevations.

Harvesting Provisions

  • Use group selection with small groups—1/4 to ½ acre is preferred.
  • Install larger groups (up to 3 acres) or small clearcuts (3 to 5 acres) only where adequate regeneration is in place.
  • Minimize residual stand damage.
  • Minimize soil compaction.
  • Winter harvest is preferred.
  • Avoid whole-tree harvest. Use a cut-to-length harvest method, leaving tops and limbs in place.
  • Retain three to five large live cull or cavity trees per acre.

Additional Information