
Moose (Alces alces) are most common in the northern part of BCR 14 but their populations are decreasing, with the possible exception of northern Maine, across BCR 14. It is listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in one or more states in BCR 14.

Habitat Needs

Moose are adapted to the cool weather environment of the boreal forest. Depending on the season and temperature conditions, moose can be found anywhere from valley bottoms to timberline and in many different forest types. Moose are browsers, although they will graze, so young forests such as clearcuts are important habitat components. Water bodies ranging from beaver ponds to lakes are used in summer to escape insects and to cool off. Lily pad roots and other aquatic plants are an important summer food.

Habitat Management Practices

Moose use a number of forest types—spruce-fir, northern hardwoods, aspen-birch and red maple swamps are preferred. They have a relatively large home range—50 or more square miles. Many soils will produce suitable habitat.

This is a riparian species. See suggested riparian management guidelines under Non-Forest Palustrine riparian type.

Silvicultural Practices


  • Use even-aged management. Openings can range from 5 to 30 acres.
  • Use a 60-year rotation age with entries every 7 to 10 years.
  • Let 10 percent of the area in this type age to 90 years before rotating.
  • Avoid entry during nesting season—April to June. 
  • Whole-tree harvest is preferred.


  • Use uneven-age management. Group selection with groups ranging from 1/10 to 2 acres.
  • Use a 90-year rotation age with entries every 15 years.
  • Let 10 percent of the area of this type age to 120 years before rotating.
  • Avoid entry during nesting season—April to June.
  • Whole-tree harvest or cut-to-length is preferred.


  • Use even-aged management. Openings can range from 5 to 30 acres.
  • Use a 100-year rotation age with entries every 10 to 15 years.
  • Let 10 percent of the area in this type age to 150 years before rotating.
  • In larger cut blocks (greater than 10 acres), leave patches of uncut trees, about 1/3 acre for every 10 acres clear cut.
  • Avoid entry during nesting season—April to June.
  • Whole-tree harvest is preferred.


  • Use even-aged management. Openings can range from 5 to 50 acres.
  • Use 120-year rotation age with entries every 15 to 20 years.
  • Let 10 percent of the area in this type age to 175 years before rotating.
  • Favor yellow birch to grow where possible.
  • In larger cut blocks (greater than 10 acres), leave patches of uncut trees, about 1/3 acre for every 10 acres clear cut.
  • Avoid entry during nesting season—April to June.
  • Whole-tree harvest or cut-to-length is preferred.


  • Use even-aged management. Openings can range from 5 to 30 acres.
  • Use 80-year rotation age with entries every 15 to 20 years.
  • Let 10 percent of the area in this type age to 100 years before rotating.
  • In larger cut blocks (greater than 10 acres), leave patches of uncut trees—about 1/3 acre for every 10 acres of clearcut.
  • Avoid entry during nesting season—April to June.
  • Whole-tree harvest is preferred.

Additional Information