
The spruce grouse (Falcipennis canadensis) is either rare or uncommon in BCR 14. It requires large stands of dense coniferous forest for food and shelter. It occurs more frequently in the northern part of BCR 14 and is found in high-elevation spruce-fir and lowland spruce-fir along floodplains and bogs. It is listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in one or more states in BCR 14.

Habitat Needs

This is bird relies exclusively on dense stands of coniferous forest with small openings and a dense softwood understory.

The territory size ranges from 3 to 20 acres.

Habitat Management Practices

Establish or maintain large all-age blocks of spruce-fir around lowland bogs or in riparian area and in high-elevation situations (up to 4,500 feet in BCR 14).

When assessing properties for habitat potential, look for soils such as Raynham, Ridgebury, Stissing or Walpole at low elevations and Bemis, Cabot, Lyman, Lyme Monarda, Moosilauke, Pillsbury or Ricker in the high elevations. There are other soils that also fit in these categories in northern BCR 14.


  • In lowland spruce-fir situations use the group selection method, keeping the groups less than 2 acres.
  • In general, avoid cutting above 3,000 feet. If cutting is deemed necessary, follow these guidelines:
    • Maintain or increase the softwood component.
    • Maintain a structure that contains at least 60 percent of the harvest area in trees with diameters of 4 inches or more.
    • Leave 10 percent of the area uncut.
    • Allow no more than 30 percent of the cut area to be in a size class of less than 4 inches.
    • Extend rotation ages by 30 percent or more with corresponding extended entry times.
    • Operate to minimize erosion control such as on frozen ground.
    • Use current methods to minimize soil compaction as well as erosion.
    • See the High-Elevation chapter 7.6 (pages 167-169) in Good Forestry in the Granite State for additional information.

Additional Information