The worm-eating warbler (Helmitheros vermivorus) is a locally common to rare breeder in the southern part of BCR 14 only. It prefers deciduous or mixed mature forests with ravines or steep hillsides. It is very sensitive to forest fragmentation. This warbler is listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in one or more states in BCR 14.
Habitat Needs
The preferred nesting habitat is dense understory vegetation in ravines or steep hillsides or extensive stands of mature hardwoods with a thick understory. It also will use a thick shrub layer along streams and wetlands.
Its territory size lies between 1 and 10 acres.
Habitat Management Practices
Provide relatively large stands of mixed or hardwood stands that contain a dense understory. Since ravines or steep hillsides are also an important component (making operability problematic), consider designating them as no cut or deferred zones.
When assessing properties for habitat potential, look for soils such as Berkshire, Bice, Charlton, Sutton in Important Forest Soils Group IA and Acton, Canton, Chichester, Monadnock, Newfields, Sunapee, Waumbek in Important Forest Soils Group IB. There may be others as well in BCR 14.
Silvicultural Practices
- Periodic light thinnings in operable areas to keep a dense understory present.